Minggu, 29 April 2012

Our Favorite Songs ♬

Semua orang pasti punya lagu favoritenya masig-masing. Gue, sama Windi punya lagu favorite yang sama. Biasanya kalo lagi pelajaran listening, kalo kita udah maju dan selesain tugas kita denger lagu + karokean :D
Ini lagu-lagunya :)

♬ A Rocket To The Moon ~ Not A Second To Waste ♬

I'm checking your pulse
I'm giving you air
But your body disagrees
And no it don't care at all
I'm wasting my time

Now your eyes roll awake
You're looking at me 
You say "Darling what happened did I fall asleep?"
And you carry me home
Cause I know I wasn't here

I'm closing your blinds
I'm shutting your eyes
And now I
I'm afraid I have to go

I'd sing you a song
But I'm feeling quite off
In my heart
It's occupied
And now's not the time

Let's try this again
And this time don't laugh
Cause I'm working on my sentences
I'm working on my play on words
I'll get it this time

If I am a clock than you are the time
I'm patiently waiting in your out of line
And I'll be the question
If you'll be the answer 

I'm closing your blinds
I'm shutting your eyes
And now I
I'm afraid I have to go

I'd sing you a song
But I'm feeling quite off
In my heart
It's occupied
And now's not the time

If I am a clock than you are the time
I'm patiently waiting in your out of line
I'm counting the times, you've lied to my face
My hands move forward
Not a second to waste

I'm closing your blinds
I'm shutting your eyes
And now I
I'm afraid I have to go

I'd sing you a song
But I'm feeling quite off
In my heart
It's occupied
And now's not the time
The time

♬ Bon Jovi ~ Always ♬

This romeo is bleeding 
But you can't see his blood 
It's nothing but some feelings 
That this old dog kicked up 

It's been raining since you left me 
Now I'm drowning in the flood 
You see I've always been a fighter 
But without you I give up 

I can't sing a love song 
Like the way it's meant to be 
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore 
But baby, that's just me 

And I will love you, baby - Always 
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always 
I'll be there till the stars don't shine 
Till the heavens burst and 
The words don't rhyme 
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind 
And I'll love you - Always 

Now your pictures that you left behind 
Are just memories of a different life 
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry 
One that made you have to say goodbye 
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair 
To touch your lips, to hold you near 
When you say your prayers try to understand 
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man 

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near 
When he says the words you've been needing to hear 
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine 
To say to you till the end of time 

Yeah, I will love you baby - Always 
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always 

If you told me to cry for you 
I could 
If you told me to die for you 
I would 
Take a look at my face 
There's no price I won't pay 
To say these words to you 

Well, there ain't no luck 
In these loaded dice 
But baby if you give me just one more try 
We can pack up our old dreams 
And our old lives 
We'll find a place where the sun still shines 

And I will love you, baby - Always 
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always 
I'll be there till the stars don't shine 
Till the heavens burst and 
The words don't rhyme 
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind 
And I'll love you - Always 

♬ Aerosmith ~ I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing ♬

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile, I don't wanna miss one kiss
I just wanna be with you, right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close, feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time

Don't wanna close my eyes, don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep
Yeah, I don't wanna miss a thing

Ngerjain Tugas [?]

Kemaren gue dikasih tugas animasi. Tugasnya sih ga dikerjain sendiri, tapi kelompok. Gue satu kelompok sama Windi, Calvin, Lery, April sama Lingga. Ceritanya kita mau bikin tentang PowerPuffGirls yang nyelametin babi-babi kecil dari monster beruang. Pertamanya sih kita semangat banget bikin, tapi....

Setelah story boardnya jadi dan gambarnya udah dicari, kita bagi-bagi tugas buat tracing. Ga tau apa karna gambarnya kebanyakan, apa ceritanya kepanjangan, tracing kita ga selesai-selesai.

Gambar-gambar PowerPuffGirl

Waktunya udah mepet, kalo disekolah ngerjain juga ga serius, akhirnya watu ada hari libur gue, Calvin, Windi sama Lery ketemuan sekalian ngerjain tugas bareng-bareng di Mc.D.
Yang gue pikir, kirain disana kita emang mau ngerjain bener-bener, tapi kenyataan berkata lain :D
Baru ngerjain bentar, kita makan, abis makan bukannya ngerjain tapi kita sibuk webcaman :D

Makin lama, makin rusuh :D

Alhasil disana kita cuma dapet berpulu-puluh foto, sementara tugas terlupakan :D
Ga sampe situ aja, pulangnya kita JJS dulu alias jalan-jalan sore :D

Foto-foto lagi :D

Waktunya tinggal seminggu lagi, malahan 5 hari lagi. Akhirnya kita bener- bener serius ngerjain tugasnya. Bener-bener bikin dari awal lagi, tracing baru, dan lain-lain. setiap hari ganti-gantian bawa leptop demi tugas biar cepet selesai.
Hari terkhir ngerjain di lab kita bener-bener kesel. Tetep ga jadi-jadi. Nama file sampe diganti-ganti : 1. Bismillah dalam seminggu jadi amin, 2.Astagfirullah, sampe yang terakhir 'Naujubillah Minzalik' akhirnya bisa juga (sebenernya ga ngaruh sih sama nama) haha

Ini Hasilnya :)

Jadi intinya kalo kita niat buat ngerjain sesuatu, pasti ga bakal susah + berhasil :D

X MM 2 to always 'remember'

Waktu gue baru masuk SMK PGRI 1, gue bener-bener sendirian :D Iya sendirian, karena temen-temen SMP gue ga  ada yang masuk pgri. Dari mulai daftar ke sekolah itu gue dianter sama ayah gue sedangkan temen-temen lain pada daftar bareng-bareng. hahakasian

Setelah diterima di sekolah itu, kaya biasa yang diadain sama semua sekolah yaitu 'masa orientasi siswa'. Biasa-biasa aja kalo menurut gue, ga ada yang berkesan -,- Tapi pas MOS selesai, terus masuk kelas X MM 2, semuanya BEDA.

Pertama masuk, gue bingung mau duduk sama siapa. Akhirnya gue sok kenal aja :D gue kenalan sama Resti, terus duduk sama dia deh :D
Resti itu temen pertama gue di MM2. Abis itu baru perlahan-lahan kenal sama yang lain. Gue kenal Lusy, Ratna, Windi, Intan, Ridhan, Alam, Aco, Yudha, Ari, Bonang, Yugo, Ebong Edwin, dan lain-lain.
Kenapa nama yang gue sebutin cuma segitu? Karna gue lebih akrab sama mereka, ga terlalu akrab sama yang lain.

Rusuh, seru, asik, lucu, kompak, itu yang gue rasain di MM2, walaupun cewe-cewenya kalo main ga pernah gabung. Gue, Resti, Ratna, Windi, Lusy sama Intan mainnya bareng. Sisanya Yeni, Lingga, Ani, Julia, Tiara, Siska, Indah, Metta, Destya mainnya misah. Tapi tetep seru sih :D

Makin lama MM2 makin kompak. Banyak hal-hal yang seru-seru. Ngobrol kalo guru lagi nerangin, bercanda kaya orang bego, dimarahin guru, ngecengin guru.

Ini salah satu contoh rusuhnya MM2 :D

Seiring berjalannya waktu, karna mungkin setiap hari kita ketemu, bercanda, ngobrol bareng, mulai deh tumbuh benih-benih cinta.haha Mulai banyak yang cinlok. pertama Yudha sama Tiara, Ridhan sama Resti, Gue sama Aco, Bonang sama Siska? hahaha

Ini video waktu Ebong nembak Tiara :D

Yang paling menggemparkan kelas waktu itu, pernah kelas kita dilanda 'cacar' haha. Pertama sih cuma Lingga, lama-lama banyak banget yang kena. Lusy, Bonang, Destya, Aco, Metta, kayaknya sih ada lagi, tapi gue lupa siapa-siapanya :D

Gara-gara 'bandel'nya, kita pernah sampe digebukin sama salah satu guru kita :D. Waktu pada ketauan madol pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Paling seru waktu kita ngilangin bola basketnya Pak Onno :D Padahal kita mainnya di lapangan, tapi kita nyari ke seluruh penjuru sekolah.haha Kita sampe nyari ke kantin, ke kelas-kelas atas, ke koprasi, ada yang ke parkiran segala :D

Kita sampe bikin grup di FB


Terakhir kali kita seru-seruan, waktu pensi

Walaupun sekarang kita beda kelas, tapi kita tetep temenan :) Nanti kan kelas 3 kita gabung lagi, semoga bisa kaya dulu lagi ya :)

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Secret Box

Di kamar gue, tepatnya di meja belajar gue ada sebuah kotak. Ga spesial-spesial banget sih, Cuma kotak biasa dari kotak sepatu. Kenapa gue bilang itu kotak rahasia? Ya karna isinya rahasia -_____-
Gue nyimpen segala sesuatu yang menurut gue rahasia + pribadi banget yang Cuma gue aja yang boleh tau dikotak itu.
Ini isi 'secret box' gue :D

Entah kenapa dari dulu gue emang suka nyimpen barang-barang yang bagi orang-orang itu ga penting, tapi menurut gue itu penting dan berharga banget karna ada nilai sejarahnya :D

Kelopak bunga mawar yang pernah seseorang kasih buat gue aja masih ada :D

Banyak kenangan-kenangan gue dari mulai gue SD, SMP, sampe sekarang gue SMK kelas 11. Dari hal-hal yang seneng-seneng, yang sedih semuanya, ada. Kadang gue suka senyum-senyum sendiri bahkan ketawa-ketawa sendiri kalo liat-liat isi kotak itu sambil ngebayangin yang dulu-dulu.
Dimulai dari waktu gue masih SD. Inget waktu jaman-jaman SD itu kayak gimana? Yang masih unyu + kayak anak kecil banget. Yang masih suka lari-larian dikelas, kata-kataan nama orang tua :D
Waktu jaman-jamannya photobox lagi ‘in’ banget.haha

Oiya, inget ga sih dulu waktu SD, setiap lagi marahan tau berantem sama temen, kita pasti kalo ngomong pake surat :D walaupun jaraknya Cuma beda sebangku sama kita, itu menjijikan banget.haha :D
kumpulan surat-surat dari temen-temen SD :)

Dan dari semua surat-surat yang ada di dalem ‘secret box’ itu, gue paling suka sama surat-surat yang kayak gini :

Surat Cinta[?] haha